My telephone answering message

My Telephone Answering Machine Message:
Hello, we are unable to take your call right now, please leave your name and number, or if you prefer, contact the White House in Washington, D C, they have all of our pertinent information on file there. Thank You.

Saturday, August 24, 2013

Saturday mornings in Reno meant housecleaning, not sure why. Alice Tuttle, a dealer at Harolds Club, and a good friend, and ex wife of Jimmy Tuttle, who also was a good friend, always cleaned her apartment on Saturday morning.

She had an ElectroLux vacuum cleaner that was stored in a rather large footstool. Funny the things you remember. For some reason we used to congregate at her place on Saturday mornings, at least it happened to me on a few occasions. Bettye Johnson and I had come down from Lake Tahoe for some reason, we saw Jeanette Fenner, a good friend of Bettye's who also worked at Harolds.

Jeanette and Alice lived in the same apartment building, Jeanette upstairs, and Alice lived in a corner basement apartment. The building was owned by a "slot mechanic." Bob Black, who had property in Reno and Vegas. He used a "rhythm" method on slots, and was very effective. His picture hung in every casino in Nevada, he was that good. That's how he got the apartment.

Bob  got caught in a "scheme" on one occasion, a Keno scheme, at Harolds Club. A number of people were in on it, a "late"  ticket was set up, $1.10 Eight Spot, payoff was $25,000.00, which was a lot of money in those days.Bob was the one with the ticket, the one to present the ticket and collect the 25 grand. Which he did, only one "writer" got cold feet and turned everyone in. They were waiting for Bob. He got ten years, not sure how it ended. (Newspaper clipping of the trial)

I always think of Alice on Saturday mornings ............

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