My telephone answering message

My Telephone Answering Machine Message:
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Friday, August 16, 2013

The old UD Stadium

This is a view of the UD, University of Dayton, stadium. I couldn't count the number of times I have been watching sporting events in this venue.

In it now called Baujan Field, name after Harry Baujan, a coach there that I remember very well. I am not at all sure that my Dad was not, at some time, their family doctor.

I think he played at Notre Dame and some pro ball, briefly, and he also did some basketball coaching while at UD.  I have seen UD football played here, high school football, I think that Chaminade High School played all their home games here. One I remember, somehow, or someone at my school, Oakwood, which was small anyway and not a very good "athletic" school, leaked to the press that one of the Chaminade players was ineligible. I forget the circumstances. Anyway, Chaminade, which was always a great team anyway, was going to get even when they played Oakwood, and score a touchdown for each letter in his name. Unfortunately, his name was Schwartzenstrauber. Not sure of the spelling. Watched the game from one of the top rows in this stadium, 60 plus, to nothing. It was a route.

Have also seen Harrison Dillard and some of the "greats" of track and field perform here, Dave Albritton, who coached in Dayton at Dunbar, and Jesse Owens, they were both on the same Olympic team.

A lot of memories association with this stadium.

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